New Student Checklist!
Here is a copy of the New Student Checklist handed out at New Parent Orientation (held in June). The Main Office will close June 28th and re-open August 12th from 9am-2pm. We have expanded the Optional Items below to include extracurricular activities that start in the Fall.
REQUIRED Items for NEW Students (this includes all incoming Kindergarteners):
- State-required immunizations must be up-to-date, questions on immunizations (
- School Supplies
- Comfort Kit #1 and #2 – please bring the 1st day of school or to Meet-the-Teacher meetings in late August
- Completed Photo/Sound/Video Media Release – complete online (under student checklist on your SchoolAdmin account)
REQUIRED Items for New Families to our school:
- Safe Environment Registration – required of anyone who volunteers at school activities. Register for background check and Safe Environment training (completed online).
- Volunteer Log-in Set-up – For submitting volunteer hours (50 hours per year, one log-in per family, if a two-household student family, please contact for separate accounts)
OPTIONAL Items (any hard copy forms that need to be signed can be brought in the first day of school, there will be a basket in the Main Office for forms):
- Authorization of Oral Medication – complete and turn into the front office if your child requires medication during the school day (found under Student Checklist on SchoolAdmin account)
- Before-and-After-School-Enrichment (BASE aka childcare) – (Link to be added to waitlist)
- Field trip driver form (found under Student Checklist on SchoolAdmin account)
- Milk order form – will open in late August/early September
- Lunch link. School code is: HR4
- Information on Band (Grades 5-8)
Other Items:
- Dennis Uniforms – The closest Dennis store is now in Portland, OR. Make sure to select Holy Rosary School – SEATTLE. Dennis is the only source to purchase MacBeth plaid, red cardigan, and fleece vests. Dennis ells all uniform pieces, except leggings, and the red Perfect Uniform Sweatshirt and Zip-up Cadet-Collar Sweatshirt). If ordering school emblem red sweater cardigan, please make sure to order early (early July) for receipt before school starts)
- Land’s End – School code: 900135310 (Only source for the red Perfect Uniform Sweatshirt w/emblem, Sells all uniform pieces except MacBeth plaid, red sweater options, and Zip-up Cadet-Collar Sweatshirt)
- Perfect uniform Zip-up Cadet-Collar Sweatshirts are available for purchase – pick up in the Main Office
- Gator Gear, can be worn on Fridays. (Form available for ordering in September)
- Besides the school’s uniform closet, there is also a Facebook page ‘HRS Uniform Exchange’, families are welcome to join
- Contact for church ministry questions, baptism or 1st Communion, or