Jr. High Electives

Required Graded Electives: Health and Fitness: Students attend this course 1 -2 times a week. Art/Music: Students switch between these two classes every other week to receive instruction in art and music.…


The study of instrumental music opens an adventure of wonder, knowledge, appreciation and discovery! Band is open to children in grades 5 through 8. Students can choose from any woodwind, brass,…

BASE Registration –

Please contact Rachel Hagenson, our BASE Director, with any questions: rhagenson@holyrosaryws.org Please complete the form below to register for our Before-and-after School Enrichment (BASE) program.  BASE registration is due by May 19th…

Chess Club

Chess club begins the first Thursday in October.  Information comes out in the eFC to families in late September. The Chess Club meets every Thursday after school until 3:45pm. All…

CYO Athletics

Catholic Youth Organization   Holy Rosary Sports and Coordinators PLACT Renewal Process Parents as Partners – 3 years removed from “Sports As Ministry” in person training. Any coach, head or…

BASE – Before and After School Enrichment (extended care)

Rachel Hagenson, Director (rhagenson@holyrosaryws.org) Holy Rosary’s Before and After School Enrichment (BASE) Program provides a safe and nurturing environment to students prior to and after regular school hours. BASE offers many structured…