Art – Ms. Cox
The Art Room is a magical place where children come to be inspired, explore, have fun, create memorable experiences, develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills while challenging themselves to think in bold new ways.
A hands-on approach is used to explore a vast array of artistic mediums. Watercolor, ceramics, and multi-media sculpture are but a few examples. Students also learn about many different famous artists and then create their own version of these art styles.
Library – Mrs. Wallace
K-3 students will engage with the nominees for the Washington Children’s Choice Picture Book Awards, and learn about genres, reading skills and more. Students will vote for their favorite book in the spring. These are popular and award-winning books.
Students in 4th grade will read and learn about the Towner Award nominee books. Fourth grade students will also vote for their favorite non-fiction book in the spring.
Our school also offers ‘Battle of the Books’ for students in 4th-6th grade. This is a fun reading competition. Students who enjoy reading and trivia are encouraged to participate. Our winning school team will go on to compete with other local Catholic Schools. The school typically uses the Sasquatch Award nominee books.
Students in 5th-8th grade have a class called ‘Lib/Tech’. Students use both the library and computer lab to engage in library and technology lessons.
Health and Fitness – Ms. Southerland
In Health and Fitness, the younger grades enjoy playing games and learning to use new pieces of equipment. The older grades look forward to playing mini tournaments in the various team sports.
Music – Mr. Nguyen
Student attend music class twice a week with a hands-on curriculum experimenting with a wide range of musical instruments and learning about various musical pieces.
Grades K – 3: Students love to learn about composers and their musical works –they study Bizet, Camille Saint-Saens and Ludwig Van Beethoven. Many different art modalities are integrated: music, visual art, movement, storytelling and drama. Students enjoy growing in music appreciation skills.
Grades 4-7: Students learn to deepen their understanding of music theory by learning to play instruments such as the recorder, soprano ukulele and acoustic guitar.
Technology – Ms. Arciaga
Grades 2-4 use iPads and incorporate them into their curriculum. Grades K-8 utilize the computer lab for projects and research, often integrating what they’re learning in their classroom. We have a variety of software that includes Kid Pix, Comic Life, and iMovie. Grades K-4 use iPads to practice their reading and math skills.
Each student in grades 5-8 are issued a Chromebook for in-class use during their time at HRS. We subscribe to online software for learning and research resources such as Google Workspace, Gale, IXL, and ALEKS. The Junior High electives include Graphic Design, Yearbook and Web Design. Students are expected to be safe, respectable, and responsible digital citizens. The use of technology enriches are our learning at Holy Rosary!
Theater Arts
- We have a spectacular Talent Show
- We have a fantastic Christmas Program
- We have a profound Passion Play
- We conduct the Living Rosary
- We perform the Liturgical Dance
Public speaking is a practiced skill at Holy Rosary. Beginning in Preschool and growing with each grade, students have projects that teach presentation skills, the importance of visual aids, eye contact, and answering Q&A. Beyond classroom projects, 7th & 8th grade students can sign-up for our Improv Elective class.
Additional programs are available to Holy Rosary School students. Some are offered through the parish, and others are offered based on a separate fee for participation:
- Band – 5th grade beginning, 6-8th grades school band
- Chess Club – open to all ages
- Coding for Kids – computer coding classes taught on-site in our computer lab (K-8th grades)
- Cross Country – K-8th grade
- Soccer – K-8th grade
- Basketball – 3rd-8th grade
- Volleyball – 4th-8th grade
- Track & Field – 4th-8th grade
- Altar Servers – 5-8th grade
- Children’s Choir – 3-5th grade, Jr High Choir – 6-8th grades,
- Youth Ministries – 6-8th grade
Buddy Program
The school is divided into multi-age groupings for activities that take place once a month. They are called “Faith Families”. As part of this there is a special relationship set up between eighth grade mentors and younger students. They are called “Buddies”. The older students accompany the younger ones to worship services and some assemblies. It helps the eighth graders to see themselves as examples in terms of conduct, word choice, and actions. It also helps the younger children see that they have a special advocate for them in the school. This builds bonds for a strong sense of community as it helps all activities become more rewarding, enjoyable, and growth centered.